

问:健康饮食关系到青少年的成长。最近你们班就肯德基食品优缺点进行了讨论 英语作文描述 优点 美味 时
  1. 答:Recently,our class held a discussion about the advantages and disadvantages of KFC.Here are the results of it.
    On one hand,we think KFC has its advantages.It's delicious and eating in KFC is a kind of fashion.It's also a good way to experience western food.
    On the other hand, KFC also has its disadvantages.Most food in KFC is junk food,which is bad for our health.Besides,the food may not be safe because it's not fresh.What's more, the food in KFC is usually very expensive.败滚
    Though KFC is delicious,I prefer traditional Chinese food which is more delicious.纯带To keep healthy,we should eat less junk food.It'做枯芦s a good idea to have more healthy food like vegetables and fruits,just as the saying goes,“An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”
  2. 答:首先.你现在的年龄正是长身体的时候,一定要对自己的生活习惯,饮食习惯加以调节和控制,依你的描述家境还不错,但是这样的环境很容易让人只懂得享受,按照科学的饮食规律应该是”荤素”搭配.
问:吃快餐好不好(反方) 英文辩论(配中文)
  1. 答:Only measurement can decide an object have poison.(首先,将辩题引入对反方有利的方面,判断好不好的标准上。偶尔一两次看不出来好还是不好,极微量的轿嫌同样不会致死,所以一两次的快餐毫无比拍帆毕较意义袭芹,这里比较的是习惯性的吃快餐。因为正方会拿方便做文章,不要去否定方便,因为这是事实,最后我们会有针对方便的解决方案)
    Fast food is not good,becase it is junk food.多用as we all know之类的短语。KFC, toxic food additives.这时候正方可能会说现在的卫生情况有进步,你就可以说,很多事情我们无法辨别也无法预测,尤其是针对饮食。你无法知道你吃到的是不是有害,也无法知道将来不会证明有害,但是家里做的菜就会好些。most times we individuals are short of abilities to make a wise dicision that the fast food you eat is healthy or not.
    this habbit will lead the unwillingness of cooking at home.what s more,it will also have bad influence on our offsprings.养成懒惰的习惯。
    最后提出观点:自己做的便当完全可以代替快餐。最后打击正方所谓方便的言论。lunchbox can be the substitute.再称述便当的好处,and it has already famous in Japan for decades.
  2. 答:Fast food is not good,becase it is junk food.(吃并凳快餐不好,因为它是绝世旅垃圾返做食品。)
问:国外学者对中西方餐桌礼仪差异的研究 英文的~
  1. 答:The Chinese restaurant is an important to municative behavior. Generally a person pays around tables, together with a round, chat, and facilitate exchanges munication. Generally eaten several meal drink wine, a few times, is an important measure of friendship. Table, apparently munication between the best way for the dinner, communicative dining culture.
    Western restaurant, but munication occasions munication is one. A square table width but about one meter, opposite and guests. Conversation with eyes, sincere. Incidentally, the European people are staring eyes, never distracted. If the other side to side, the other side, or respond sideways while others are speaking with will be considered for people not respect. Square table is just to solve this problem.
