

  1. 答:In the limit of higher mathematics method, the method of using equivalent infinity substitution limit is rarely mentioned, using the equivalent infinity substitution limit and equivalent infinitesimal substitution limit can have the effect of simplified calculation. In substitution for the product factor can be equivalent infinity substitution, but under certain conditions can also be used to limit the type of the product factor equivalent infinity substitution limit.来自有道翻译
  1. 答:Abstracts: Principle of the use of holes for a broad range, it is a bination of the most basic principle, the application of the principle holes can solve many problems concerning the existence of bination of issues. In the 20th century, many studies are directed at holes the promotion of the principle, Ramsey theory, in which reached its peak.It is precisely because of the extensive use of pigeon holes principle, and subject to different types of answers to very different methods, so the principle of the structure of holes is also a variety of methods. In this paper, these methods have been collated and summarized to form monly used construction method.
    Keywords: pigeonhole principle; structure; pigeons; cage; Category
  2. 答:The pigeon-hole principle's utilization domain is widespread, it is in binatorics most cardinal principle, may solve using the pigeon-hole principle many involves the bination question. In the 20th century period, many research are aim at the pigeon-hole principle the promotion, has achieved the crest in the Ramsey theory. Is precisely as a result of the pigeon-hole principle utilization universality, but in view of different type topic explanation method existence very big difference, therefore the pigeon-hole principle's structure method is also many and varied. This article has carried on the anization, the summary in view of these methods, has formed monly used structure methods.
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  1. 答:Topic: the recursive formula for the series -
    Abstract: recursive formula for the series-of nine types, and various types of solutions for analysis of its status and role. Identify which contains the mathematical literacy and the ability to solve practical problems between the culture of the dialectical relationship between both knowledge, or in the capacity, is further studying other series on the basis of knowledge. The recurrence formula has extensive practical application, in the future continue to learn the basic knowledge of advanced mathematics, and can solve the series of problems - of-law, but also training puting power and reasoning ability and equivalent transformation function equations, a few - bination of the important mathematical way of thinking.
